Thursday 22 January 2015

TWO of our 100 word challenges chosen for the Special Showcase!!!

A huge well done to Sienna and also Josh and Adam W for being showcased in this week's 100wc! You can read their fantastic work right here...

Sienna's 100wc:
I woke up to darkness, shadow: the sound of eerie breathing floating around. I was in a cave of shallow stone encased in the dirt from different ages. A heavy breathing grew louder.Petrified, I whirled around with my heart in my mouth… nothing. I then ran. As I came around a corner the dank scenery began to lift: pearly light bouncing off the pale walls… then… I saw it. The light was So bright I couldn't see at first, but then a ruby glow shone out unique to this jewel however…

Sorry for any inconvenience caused however, no more of this dramatic diary entry was recorded. For more information on the Sacred yet lost, Ruby of the East please go online… 

Josh & Adam's 100wc:
The light was so bright it was gleaming in my face, like a beautiful diamond so blue. Amazing... suddenly the world started to crumble one shake, two shakes,and then every building was crumbling and cracking day and night. Finally there was peace no guns firing. I nervously had a look over the top of our brutal trench. After that I saw the germans firing a hail storm of bullets knocking are troops down like dominos 1 by 1. I ducked quickly but it was too late it was just me and Jim left we had blood on both our faces that was going to get infected.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing writing, guys - you should be very proud that you've been showcased! :-)
    Mr K
