Sunday 4 January 2015

Homework - Tues 6th Jan, 2015...

Hi everyone - this week's homework is some basic revision to help you with our maths work on fractions.
You need to play the game below, then read the four pages of fractions information (Introduction, What is a Fraction?, Improper and Mixed Fractions, Fractions of Quantities), and finally answer the ten questions in the quiz. Then you need to leave a comment on this post, telling me IN DETAIL what you've learnt, what you're confident on and what you'd like some more help with.
TO BE DONE BY MONDAY 12th JANUARY - no excuses! If you don't have a computer at home, you need to ask me to use one in school BEFORE THEN!


READING - click here!
QUIZ - click here!


  1. in the game my score was seven hundred
    in the quiz I got eight right
    and in the end I learnd more about fractions like how to split them and how to fraction some money

  2. I scored 10/10, the two questions I found difficult were questions 5 & 6 (which asked which fraction was smaller/bigger) apart from that I was confident on all the questions.😋

  3. I found questions 5 and 7 tricky but I got 10/10

  4. I got 9/10 on the quiz and seven hundred in the game and I learnt more about fractions.

  5. The game wont play, but on the quiz I got 9/10. I found 5 and 6 hard .

  6. clara the marshmellow7 January 2015 at 10:19

    the game doent load on my computer so i did the quiz and i got 5 out of 10 i struggled with 3,5,9,6 and 8 :)

  7. I got 8/10 i found the money problems a little hard but i learnt how solve them the game also wont play like Jamie. I am struggling on mixed numbers to improper fractions but i am confident on the improper fractions to mixed numbers.

  8. I could not access the game but I got 10\10 on my first go on the quiz. I found the quiz super easy and most of the questions were stuff on we had already done so I did not really learn much!

  9. I got 7/10 on the quiz because I couldn't access the game I found questions 4,8 and 9 hard but I understand Fractions more now

  10. i got 7/10 on the quiz the game did not work i found 5,6,7, they were
    the hardiest

  11. i got 8/10 some were easy some where hard

  12. i got 7/10 so i could work on the denominetors in improper fractions and mixed numbers

  13. I got 10/10 (yay), I found 5 and 6 hard!!

  14. I got 7/10 on the quiz and the game wouldn't work I found the quiz really tricky but eventually I got the hang of it :-)

  15. the game still wont work for me although i tried again

  16. I got 10\10 a I'm confident with it

  17. The game didn't work,but in the quiz I got 7\10 I got 4,6 and 8 wrong

  18. i got 7/10 and the game didnt work it was the converting improper fractions that i got wrong

  19. The game didnt work ,but onthe quiz I got 8/10.
    I found number 3 and 7 hard and I got them both wrong .

  20. I got 10 out of 10 in the quiz. I learnt that the numorator is the top number and the denominatr is the bottom number in a fraction. I am very confident with fractions and pleased to get them all right. The game didnt work though.

  21. the game didn't work on my computer, but I got 3/10 in the quiz.

  22. I got 7/10 I need some more practice on improper to mixed but the vidio didn't work

  23. I couldn't get on to the game!
    I got 10/10 on the quiz :-)

  24. I couldn't get on to the game!
    I got 10/10 on the quiz :-)

  25. I got 7/10 oh by the way I did this on iPad and it crashed basically
    (FROZE) on me. The hardest ones are 6 and 3 I know this ain't
    Part of the quiz or anything to do with it but I give everyone the EPIC drummer anyway here is the vid(video)=

  26. i got 5/10 i fond it a bit hard

  27. the game wouldn't work on my ipad or laptop but I got 9/10

  28. I got ten out of ten and i couldn't get on the game some where a bit hard as well
