Tuesday 13 January 2015

Finlay & Ben's 100wc - week 17...

I couldn't believe my eyes when I heard a loud bangging noise. I quickly ran outside and saw something that looked like an alien invasion. But then I got teleported into something that looked like a flying saucer:it was as big as the city.

(Suddenly I knew I vanished) then I knew i was a little spec of dust flying at a speed of light, I ran backwards and bangged my head and I fell to the ground with a thump. I woke up in a panic and  figured that there was aliens right in front of me I didn't know what to do....         

1 comment:

  1. Hi Finlay and Ben,

    Thank you for entering the 100 Word Challenge this week. I hope you enjoyed collaborating to write this. What a good idea to use the prompt about the bright light to describe an alien invasion.

    Well done!
    Mrs Stones - Bradford, U.K.
