Thursday 23 October 2014

Nathan's SWEET drawing!

Nathan made this drawing out of sweets! Awesome!

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Our Lego Robotic show!

Today was our final Lego Robotics session with Mrs Brick at Shrewsbury High School: we've had a fabulous time and are addicted to Lego! We even got to show off our creations to our families in the lecture hall!

Monday 13 October 2014

Adom's fantastic new sentence type!

Adom has come up with a brilliant new sentence type in his mythical story! Introducing the 'little, little, little' sentence!!!

Once deep into the mighty sea, Eleni had little food, little strength and what seemed to be little life left, but she powered on through the rough waves...
(c) Adom B, 2014.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Ellie's 100wc - week 5...

As i looked around all i could see is pitch black… Everybody had gone, disappeared like it was magic. I tried to find them: looked everywhere I could possibly of looked.
"Mum dad?!" I cried! No answer...
I knew this haunted house would be a mistake, I knew we would lose each other, I knew that I would be the one worrying.

"MUM, DAD, BROTHER, SISTER! Where are you?"
I went outside to see if they were waiting...
There car had gone they had left me behind . They had gone what was I apposed to do stay here, head home speak to someone..

Sunday 5 October 2014

Labyrinth Terrors, by Lauren...

run run run all my mind could think of was that word which way out left, right, or forwards. the labyrinth twisted round me zig after zag the beast was catching up with me:i needed to make a decision. timed travelled fast, faster than the speed of light. I made my decision i turned left.I could hear the snuffling of the beast breathing right down my neck  i turned round and let out the biggest scream of my life , it had knocked the beast over now there was my chance left then right i could finally see the daylight only it was too late ....  

Nathan's 100wc - week 5...

One hot sunny day a warrior named Kratos lived in Sparta. As I lied in bed the clouds suddenly turned black as night while lightning/thunder was striking everywhere! I take my blades of chaos forged in the darkest pits of tarturus by Haphestus an Olympian smith god. As a bolt of lightning hit a rock in through the wooden crooked house. I ran to it as fast as could, when i got there their was a message saying “From almighty king of the gods “I need you on mount olympus." I don’t  know why they need me now?

Adam W's 100wc - week 5...

Long in the future there lived a man called jack, who was always in a hot air balloon or a plane or anything that flies. As he looked back he screamed, on the window an ugly monster splattered against the window with saliva down the monsters face.He started to slip of the window, jack looked back to the front he didn’t want to get out.but in came a load of people he was squished so decided to walk out the plane the monster had vanished it was nowhere to be seen.Had it fell from mars?, how did it vanish?, or is it still there?

Saturday 4 October 2014

Chelsea's 100wc - week 5...

Scared and nervous, as i looked around all i could see was skeltons and blood dripping on the dirty,dull floor. Suddenly i heard a loud roar coming from the overside of the cave and could see a pair of blood red eyes beaming in the dark. So frightened that i could not even move and i could see it scorpion’s tails getting ready to stap me. It started to run towards me and then i fell down to the ground screaming in pain as i looked at my leg seeing a massive bite on it. And then being draged down to the bowels hell and thinking iam i ever going to see dalight ever again….

Poppi's 100wc - week 5...

As I looked around all I could see was the black rusty gates of Upton Manor, it was covered in cobwebs, I thought to myself should I go in or should I stay:on the inside I felt like going in on the the outside feel like never coming back back.My heart felt like it was pumping out of my rough ribcage, my hands shaking like an earthquake my feat wabeling like jelly as I fell to the floor.A man caught me ,I screamed the man was called Frankenstein and he dragged me deep into the bowels of hell.

Adom's 100wc - week 5...

The Labyrinth Monster

As I looked around the corner of the dreadful labyrinth I could see the blood thirsty monster hunting me down. Suddenly the beast blasted the out deadly, life threatening, electric bolts I tried to dodge it but no... I wake up and realised that it was a dream so I got ready for school and tried to recover from such a scare. When I got to school it was another labyrinth so I sprinted back home as fast as I could: quickly, I got the keys and opened the door labyrinth. With know where to go I searched outside but still. Labyrinth. 

Friday 3 October 2014

Izzy E's 100wc - week 5...

As I looked around all I could see was darkness, I felt despair. We had had the warning, the bomb was released. I was hiding with hundreds of people in the underground. All I could hear was babies crying, people screaming, praying. I wished for a miracle, we didn't deserve this. I had seen the news like everybody else "Aliens come in peace" "ET calls this home". It was exciting; what did they look like, what did they want. I now knew, they wanted our planet, they wanted war. I could hear my heart beating, smell peoples fear, the air was electric. Then, silence..........................

Ash Class at Think Tank!


Wednesday 1 October 2014

Leonie's 100wc - week 5...

As I looked around I saw a deadly,cold-heated beast. With its venomous fangs and its keen claws, this beast has a excruciating bite that could kill anyone or anything in less than a long painful minute. You will find this terrorizing beast lurking around by the crumbling walls of the long, never-ending winding roads. By the deceased body's that lay underground by the wrecked and crumbling castle. As I walked along the crumbling walls, this horrid beast slivered  up behind me, but I just kept walking, not realizing that such a deadly beast was just about to dig its keen teeth into me. 

Molly P's 100wc - week 5...

Ring o'roses

Twelve o’clock, midnight “lets go,” I explained, As  we  left the house in the pitch black. we walk down  the  alleyway , strolled across the road, suddenly the street lights went off  it started to get mysterious….

All of a sudden we herd “mumer mumer”
as we looked around there sitting down was a rag doll , it’s eyes were closed until a second later all of a sudden the rag doll flashed opened it’s eyes ,it said “don’t leave me, I only want to play”. then the rag doll stood up...

If  they hadn't gone out, If they didn't look behind them,if just if, but they did all of that and the rad doll got what it wanted.

“Ding dong” I opened the door an, an, and there was the doll...

McKay's 100wc - week 5...