Sunday 5 October 2014

Labyrinth Terrors, by Lauren...

run run run all my mind could think of was that word which way out left, right, or forwards. the labyrinth twisted round me zig after zag the beast was catching up with me:i needed to make a decision. timed travelled fast, faster than the speed of light. I made my decision i turned left.I could hear the snuffling of the beast breathing right down my neck  i turned round and let out the biggest scream of my life , it had knocked the beast over now there was my chance left then right i could finally see the daylight only it was too late ....  


  1. Lauren that's really good, I wish there was more.

  2. really good love the picture too because the withe fluffy dog looks like dlara....

  3. lovely 100 hundred challenge
    from George lanning in maple

  4. I love your one hundred challenge It is AMAZING WELL DONE

  5. Alisha in poplar19 October 2014 at 06:26

    I love your one hundred challenge It is AMAZING WELL DONE

  6. What happens next....................loved it
