Saturday 20 September 2014

Lego Robotics!

It was difficult putting all the different pieces together, but we managed to create the structure in the end. Our task was to complete a digital lego puppy: at first it all looked confusing, but Sienna and I followed the pages with some difficulties along the way. When we had finished our puppy’s body we began with its legs. When we were half way through our puppy’s front leg one of the assistants showed me that I had made a mistake by putting on the tail upside down! Which meant that Sienna and I had to take half the structure apart and rotate the tail. After we fixed my mistake, my class and I went outside to eat some biscuits and drink some orange juice. When all of us had all finished we headed back onto the coach, waiting for our next visit to Shrewsbury High School.
By Coral.

Our school got picked to go and do some lego robotics at Shrewsbury High School - Mr Kenyon had a hard decision picking 20 of us to go! We (Ellie and Molly) were partners and finished first! We had to make a robotic dog by using lego to build the body, legs, etc, but we had a head that all the programming went into.

Once we had finished, we got to play with it and seeing what it does etc, but sadly we have to dismantle it soon to build another project. (A lot of people have become attached to their dogs!). We get six weeks in total of building, but two have already passed. Maybe other students might get to go too! All of the students that went are very lucky to get to be part of this activity.
By Ellie V & Molly W.

Lots of people do Lego, but not like this: £100’s per set and 130 steps to complete: this is Mindstorm!

We started a practise robot - it was a puppy; everyone was really excited, especially me. First, we made the bone which had different colours that the dog would sense and do alternating things. Tom and I (my partner) started to realise that it was a mechanism with cogs and everything. Bigger and bigger, heavier and heavier, we started to add the legs, but by that time Ellie and Molly had already finished: it was amazing! Now Tom and I have to get the head on and get the code imported to the dog to make it work. We have even more  to do after this like a conveyor belt and a crane until then the puppy will have to do.
By Adom B